Improve your public speaking and presentation skills.

Do What You Love?
February is the ‘Month of Love’ – I hope you can spend at least part of it enjoying great friends, family and enjoying all the little things in life that make you happy!
We’ve all heard countless great pearls of wisdom regarding the necessity of “Doing what we Love.” We know it makes us happy, feeds our soul, and gives us purpose.
But with all the focus on “Doing what you Love,” what happens when you don’t love what you’re doing? For me, I had a few jobs where I didn’t necessarily ‘love’ it, but I was there because I had to work. I was a single parent for several years with 2 small children, and I worked at those jobs that I didn’t love – until I didn’t have to.
I often hear from people that they just don’t like giving presentations. They know they need to in order to progress in their career. They’ll reach out and get coaching and become really good – but they will probably never “love“ it.
Many feel there’s something wrong with them – because we hear all the great authors & speakers keep telling us we need to Love what we’re doing, and if we don’t, we are wasting our time. They feel there’s something wrong with them if they don’t love their job or love giving presentations, or whatever it is they ‘have’ to do.
I’ll often ask my audience ‘who has ever worked at a job because they had to, not because they wanted to.’ Usually, more than half the room raises their hand. Just the act of acknowledging it can make people feel better, especially when they see they are not alone.
I’d like to give everyone permission to do what you need to do for as long as you need to (while still actively working towards the next, better opportunity!).
Yes, life really is enjoyable when we get to do what we love – but until then, if you aren’t there yet, keep plugging away until you, too, can do what you love!
The Three Secrets of Resilient People
Here is a great TED Talk on Resilience, which is what we need in order to keep plugging away with what we may not be in love with, but know there is a better future around the corner!
Upcoming Events
Create Your Zip Line – How to Say What You Do in 10 Words or Less
AWBA Pathfinder – March 18 at 6 PM
Join me for an interactive, fun and impactful presentation on how to create and deliver a “Zip Line” – your answer to the question, “so, what do you do?” The great twist is you’ll learn how to say it in 10 words or less! You’ll leave the session with your own Zip Line, along with the tools you’ll need to keep creating more of your own, customized statements for any situation.
Capital Club Events
If you would like to attend an event at the Silicon Valley Capital Club and you are not a member, please let me know and I will assist you in registering for the event.
Women’s Luncheon Series – February 20 at 11:30 AM
A Path to Equality, Empowerment, and Enlightenment. Celebrate Black History month with celebrated speakers Christal M. Jackson, Lybra Clemons, and Dr. Adimika Arthur!