Who’s great at procrastinating?

Improve your public speaking and presentation skills. Small Hinges Swing Big Doors Have you ever been faced with a task that you know you’d be personally and professionally better off once you’ve finished – but dilly-dally getting it started? You are certainly not alone!   Studies show that currently, 20% of [...]

How adaptable are you?

Improve your public speaking and presentation skills. What is your "Adaptability Quotient"? The first month of any new year is usually all about change – the promise of a great year, new resolutions, and the optimism that comes with a fresh start. For me, one major area I’ll be laser-focused on [...]

Going up? ⬆

Improve your public speaking and presentation skills. Chatting in elevators I love riding in elevators, and if you’re like me, you experience a lot of rides every week. It’s something we take for granted and really don’t give it much thought. But for me, it’s an endless study in how people [...]

The 2 Most Important Words You’ll Ever Say

If you are a prolific networker like me, you’ve undoubtedly heard many people introducing themselves. Whether it’s at a mixer where people don’t know you, a networking meeting you are a member of or a business meeting, being able to introduce yourself effectively is key.   However, I’m often struck by how many times I [...]

By |2018-10-23T21:55:20+00:00December 27th, 2018|Communication Skills, First Impressions|0 Comments

Embrace your butterflies!

I often have people mention to me that they’d like me to help them get rid of their nervousness – the butterflies in their stomach – when they give presentations. While my expertise is working with teams and individuals to increase their confidence and effectiveness when they give presentations, I always invite them to think [...]

By |2024-02-10T14:09:00+00:00December 20th, 2018|Communication Skills, Public Speaking|0 Comments

Just Say “No”! | Learn To Say No Advice

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to say No to people? Whether it’s someone coming to your door to sell something, ask for a favor or seeking a donation to their charity, people really struggle to Just Say No.   We make up all kinds of excuses that beg for more time, but [...]

By |2024-02-10T14:10:53+00:00December 13th, 2018|Communication Skills|0 Comments

A smile is the universal language of connection

As December marks the beginning of many festive celebrations around the world, we all look forward to spending times with family and friends. We always hope there will be much laughter, plenty of great food and many smiles.   Did you know that researchers have categorized over 50 different kinds of smiles? Everything from a [...]

Million Dollar Statements (begin and end with Practice!)

You’ve heard me talk before (or read in my newsletters) about the benefits of keeping your introductions and presentations clear, compelling and concise.   I was happy to hear Andrea Zurek speak recently – she was one of the first 100 employees at Google and Co-founder of XG Ventures, and she validated that point. Speaking [...]

Public Speaking Hand Gestures | What hand gestures do you use?

An important component of effective body language is the proper use of hand gestures. If you don’t use enough, you look stiff and uncomfortable; use too many and you look out of control and it’s distracting.   There are countless movements people make with their hands; one of my favorites that I love sharing is [...]

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